Monday, 24 November 2014

Classroom News November 24th - 28th, 2014

Classroom News November 24th – 28st,

Important Notes
·       All Christmas tree tickets (sold/unsold) need to be returned to school by Friday.
·       A new book order is coming home today.  Orders are due on Thursday, November24th.
·       Please remember that Pizza is now on THURSDAY.  We will still order our pizza on token day. (Tuesday)

·       This week we will continue working with our literacy coach (Charlene Matthews) in Writing Workshop.   We are noticing about how to add detail to our pictures and words.  Keep asking your child lots of questions about what they are writing their book about.
·       In Social Studies we will begin to discuses the difference between things that we need and things that we want; very appropriate topic before Christmas.
·        In math groups we will continue to talk about how numbers have 2 parts.  In guided reading we have read two books together and are working at tracking print with our finger.
·       In our attempts to save paper, I try to use email and our classroom blog as much as possible to communicate; however, if you find a printed copy of our “Classroom New” more helpful, please let me know. 
Day of the week
Day in the cycle/ Specialist
Other things going on
Day3 – Team Time and Library

Day 4 – Music
Token Day
Day 5 – French

Day 6 – Gym
New Pizza Day
Day 1 – Music

Monday, 17 November 2014

Weekly News Nov 17th - 21st

Classroom News November 17th – 21st
This week we will be working with the literacy coach (Charlene Matthews) to launch our Writing Workshop.  We will be writing our own books!  You can help at home by asking lots of questions about what your child is writing their book about. We will be working on book making for the next 4 to 5 weeks.  We will continue to talk about our 5 senses and healthy eating.  In math groups we are talking about how numbers have 2 parts.  I have started Guided Reading with two groups; the third group will be starting this week.  We are also learning about the letter "Mm", and sight words: he, she, so, by, my.
Day of the week
Day in the cycle/ Specialist
Other things going on
5 - French
Launching Writing workshop
6 - gym
Token Day
1 - Music
Roots of Empathy/ Family visit day
2 - gym

PD day/ No school
 Read a book!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Kindergarten News for November 3rd - 7th, 2014

 Kindergarten News for November 3rd – 7th, 2014

This week we will be talking about the letter “Hh”.  We have some new words as well:  went, an, am, at.  We will be finishing learning about bats by making a bat fact book together.
Monday – Talk about what we saw on Halloween.
Tuesday – Token/ No Pizza on Friday
Wednesday – We will start a mini unit about taking care of pets.
Thursday – Learning Conferences in the evening
Friday – Learning Conferences/ No classes

**Token Day will be on Monday next week as Tuesday is Remembrance Day.
·       Please remember to send warm clothing for your child to wear each day. Warm coat, hat and mittens are a must.
·       We will be talking about healthy eating and hand washing in the next few weeks. If at all possible, please include the four food groups in your child’s lunch as we will be discussing healthy food choices.
·       Photo forms need to be returned to school by Thursday.  Even if you do not wish to order pictures please send the proofs back to school.
·        Home and school Christmas tree fundraiser information were sent home yesterday.  Unused tickets need to be returned to school.

I look forward to meeting with everyone this week! 

Mrs. Bernard

Monday, 27 October 2014

October 27 - 31, 2014

Classroom News October 27th – 31st

This week we will be talking about Halloween!  We will be doing lots of spooky activities.  On Friday we will have a small Halloween party.  You child can bring their costume to school, please make sure they have a change of clothing as well.  Masks and weapons are not permitted.  Let me know if you would like to send in a treat for the class, please remember that we are a nut free school.  Have a spooktacular Week!

Monday (day 4/Music) – Talking and writing about our weekend.
Tuesday –  (day 5/ French)Token day/ Order Pizza for Friday
Wednesday – (day 6/gym)
Thursday –  (day 1/Music)
Friday –  (day2/ gym and French) Halloween Party/ Bring your costume!